Ya, i finally turned 24 yesterday. The were too many candles on the cake. LOL. Eventough you gave me the super unnatural treatment for the entire day and expect me not to notice that. I guess i got to be blind or something. Trust me, i have already try my best to act like i know nothing. LOL. Anyway, i really appreciate your attemp to hold a surprise dinner for my birthday. A kiss for everyone.
Thank you everyone from celebrating my birthday despite all the bad, busy and traumatic incidents that were happening this few weeks. I really really appreciate that, you reassure my existence, LOL. Sound serious hor, but it is true.
Between , i got "MUA CHI" for my birthday, both taiwanese and japanese style mua chi. Yummy... thanks for all the efforts..MUAXS.
Thanks for all the wishes and words. Each one of them mean a lot to me. "xiao bai tu" is not that important compared to the friendships between all of us. LOVE you all.
bongie, i won't save anti-wrinkle cream from now on.
L&L sister, you still keep to the tradition, you are just like my "grandma". You are the next person after my grandma who buy me pyjamas. Anyway, i appreciate it, "grandma number 2"