Sunday, June 03, 2007



医生诊断我的病为Labyrinthitis, 是医学界也不知道为什么存在的viral infection。 我现在是一直瞎眼,没有平衡感的青蛙。

Labyrinthitis is a balance disorder. It is an inflammatory process affecting the labyrinths that house the vestibular system (which sense changes in head position) of the inner ear.

In addition to balance control problems, a labyrinthitis patient may encounter hearing loss and tinnitus. Labyrinthitis is caused by a virus (the herpes virus has been implicated) but it can also arise from bacterial infection, head injury, an allergy or as a reaction to a particular medicine. Both bacterial and viral labyrinthitis can cause permanent hearing loss, although this is rare.

Labyrinthitis often follows an upper respiratory tract infection (URI).

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