Tuesday, July 31, 2007


It is chasm to leap from 24 to 25.

Being 25,
you can rent a car by paying proprotionately less insurance fee,
you get the license to register as a Dr. ,
you get to earn money,

you have to be more independant,
you have just permitted your hormone to slow down their activity and started to produce wrinkles,
you have to start to live on your own feet now,

but i remember someone at his 60's told me that he doesn't want to go back to his 20's because he was a fool. He said people get wise when they age. In fact, i do agree with him, you have to make enough mistakes to know what is right for you, and how to avoid repeating the mistake.

So, i guess i should learn to appreciate being 25 despite the fear of the undecided and uncertain future.

Happy Birthday.

To my grandfather whom just passed away 3 days ago, I wish you have a peaceful life in heaven.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my! so sorry to hear about ur loss babe! muaks muaks!!!